Friday, November 02, 2018

Book: The Adventures of Casey and the Jackelope: Book 2 - The Bigfoot Brothers (2018, Bunny 17 Media)

Written by Kevin Moyers and Casey Sanchez-Moyers
Illustrated by Casey Sanchez-Moyers
Casey and Jack are sent to rescue the missing Bigfoot Brothers and encounter a new foe. Meanwhile, Titan travels to The Hidden Village to seek the advantage he needs to find the world’s most magical treasures.

Note: This book series is designed to be fun and educational. Some words and phrases in the books are underlined. Definitions for those terms will be found in the glossary at the back of each book. The definitions included fit the context of their usage within the books. They also include the page number where the word is found so you won’t lose your place. The stories also uses real researched locations and landmarks around the world.
Fantasy Adventure - 50 pages - All Ages

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